The HOPE FOR BURKINA FUTURES INC, an NGO, has set the goal to sponsor 2000 orphans and vulnerable children in Burkina Faso every single year. A sponsorship gift of 120000 FCFA (USD$ 240 equivalent) supports one child’s school fees, clothing, food, and medical needs for one year. These orphans and vulnerable children live in the orphanages and poor families across Ouagadougou and over villages.
The annual cost of sponsoring a child amounts to 120,000 FCFA (USD$ 240). To sponsor 2000 orphans and vulnerable children over the next year, at least 2,000 children each year must be supported. An appeal is made to all who feel arraigned, to contribute to the education of children, regardless of gender, who cannot attend school are denied an education because they or their families cannot afford it. for lack of funds. You can donate via:
Check checks payable to ‘’ HOPE FOR BURKINA FUTURES INC’’ and mail to: 460 BACON ST Winston Salem 27105 North Carolina

Children's rights
HOPE FOR BURKINA FUTURES INC in to deliver programs and advocate for better practices and policies to fulfill children’s rights in Burkina Faso. Together with our partners and supporters, we strive to ensure that children’s voices are heard, particularly children who are marginalized, living in poverty or struggling to survive in the aftermath of violence or disasters.
To achieve these goals, we collaborate with children, organizations, communities, governments and the private sector to share knowledge, influence change, and ensure that children’s rights are fulfilled.

A Healthy Start for a Better Life

HOPE FOR BURKINA FUTURES INC ’s Health & Nutrition programs improve the health and nutrition of children worldwide, with a special focus on maternal, newborn, and child health and survival. Creating better health systems with trained health care workers is vital to long-term, successful outcomes.
HOPE FOR BURKINA FUTURES INC has four major Health & Nutrition projects underway. Each of these as a general focus on issues of Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH). This is an area of focus for HOPE FOR BURKINA FUTURES INC, along with eliminating all preventable deaths in children under age five.